Reference guide

Config file options

Table Options

These options are supplied as a tab-delimited table in the config file, with each option being a column. These options are used for tag sequence identification. (Note: the tags, ids, groups, distances, locations, and subs option can be specified either singular or plural, i.e. you can write tag instead of tags)



Additional info



Tag sequence

String of ATCG bases. Alternately, can supply a file containing multiple tag sequences.



Tag name/ID



Tag group name/ID

Tags can be grouped together under a group name.



Allowable error tolerance

Supports setting hamming distance, indel, and total error (hamming+indel) allowance.



Where a tag should be searched for in a read

Can specify file, start position, and end position.



Minimum number of times a tag must be found in a read

If this isn’t met, the read is discarded



Minimum number of times a tag group must be found in a read

If this isn’t met, the read is discarded



Maximum number of times a tag must be found in a read

Once this is reached, the program simply stops looking for that tag



Maximum number of times a tag group must be found in a read

Once this is reached, the program simply stops looking for any tag belonging to that group



Whether tag should be a left trimming point (0 = no; 1 = yes)

At the location the tag is found, that tag and all bases to the left of the tag in the read are removed



Whether tag should be a right trimming point (0 = no; 1 = yes)

At the location the tag is found, that tag and all bases to the right of the tag in the read are removed



What tag ID or group ID must come after the tag

When the tag is found, only the tag ID or group ID specified as “next” will be searched for



What tag ID or group ID must come before the tag

The tag will not be searched for unless the tag ID or group ID specified as “previous” was found right before



Sequence to substitute tag with when tag is found in read

Note: Useful for error correction: one can specify substituting the original tag sequence in if a mismatched version was found



Identifies sequences that may be truncated at the 5′ end

Specify the minimum bp’s that must match and the allowable substitution mismatch frequency (min_match:mismatch_freq)



Identifies sequences that may be truncated at the 3′ end

Specify the minimum bp’s that must match and the allowable substitution mismatch frequency (min_match:mismatch_freq)



Whether sequence’s reverse complement should be identified (0 = no; 1 = yes)


Header Options

These options are supplied at the very beginning of the config file, with each option being a line that begins with @. These options are used for read modification and extraction.






Extracts UMI-like sequences


Disable stitching multiple extracted sequences together



Number of bases to trim from 5′ end (done first before any tag operations or other trimming operations)



Number of bases to trim from 3′ end (done first before any tag operations or other trimming operations)



Filter reads based on length (min_length:max_length)



Threshold for quality trimming (uses cutadapt algorithm)


Switch quality trimming algorithm to naive one (trim until a base that meets quality threshold is found)


Enable quality trimming from 5′ end of each read


Enable quality trimming from 3′ end of each read


Do quality trimming first (i.e. before all the operations involving tags)


Use the old phred+64 quality scores instead of the newer phred+33 scores



Bases that will prefix each 16-bp final barcode sequence (useful for merging separate experiments)

Command-line options

splitcode help menu which can be accessed via splitcode -h


Since this manual uses the splitcode config file for setting config options, the command-line arguments that set the config options are not necessary and therefore are not shown. We discuss those arguments in the following section.

splitcode help menu
Usage: splitcode [arguments] fastq-files

Options (configurations supplied in a file):
-c, --config     Configuration file
Output Options:
-m, --mapping    Output file where the mapping between final barcode sequences and names will be written
-o, --output     FASTQ file(s) where output will be written (comma-separated)
                 Number of output FASTQ files should equal --nFastqs (unless --select is provided)
-O, --outb       FASTQ file where final barcodes will be written
                 If not supplied, final barcodes are prepended to reads of first FASTQ file (or as the first read for --pipe)
-u, --unassigned FASTQ file(s) where output of unassigned reads will be written (comma-separated)
                 Number of FASTQ files should equal --nFastqs (unless --select is provided)
-E, --empty      Sequence to fill in empty reads in output FASTQ files (default: no sequence is used to fill in those reads)
    --empty-remove Empty reads are stripped in output FASTQ files (don't even output an empty sequence)
-p, --pipe       Write to standard output (instead of output FASTQ files)
-S, --select     Select which FASTQ files to output (comma-separated) (e.g. 0,1,3 = Output files #0, #1, #3)
    --gzip       Output compressed gzip'ed FASTQ files
    --out-fasta  Output in FASTA format rather than FASTQ format
    --out-bam    Output a BAM file rather than FASTQ files (enter the output BAM file name to -o or --output)
    --keep-com   Preserve the comments of the read names of the input FASTQ file(s)
    --no-output  Don't output any sequences
    --no-outb    Don't output final barcode sequences
    --no-x-out   Don't output extracted UMI-like sequences (should be used with --x-names)
    --mod-names  Modify names of outputted sequences to include identified tag names
    --com-names  Modify names of outputted sequences to include final barcode sequence ID
    --seq-names  Modify names of outputted sequences to include the sequences of identified tags
    --loc-names  Modify names of outputted sequences to include found tag names and locations
    --x-names    Modify names of outputted sequences to include extracted UMI-like sequences
    --x-only     Only output extracted UMI-like sequences
    --bc-names   Modify names of outputted sequences to include final barcode sequence string
-X, --sub-assign Assign reads to a secondary sequence ID based on a subset of tags present (must be used with --assign)
                 (e.g. 0,2 = Generate unique ID based the tags present by subsetting those tags to tag #0 and tag #2 only)
                 The names of the outputted sequences will be modified to include this secondary sequence ID
-C  --compress   Set the gzip compression level (default: 1) (range: 1-9)
-M  --sam-tags   Modify the default SAM tags (default: CB:Z:,RX:Z:,BI:i:,SI:i:,BC:Z:,LX:Z:,YM:Z:)
Other Options:
-N, --nFastqs    Number of FASTQ file(s) per run
                 (default: 1) (specify 2 for paired-end)
-n, --numReads   Maximum number of reads to process from supplied input
-A, --append     An existing mapping file that will be added on to
-k, --keep       File containing a list of arrangements of tag names to keep
-r, --remove     File containing a list of arrangements of tag names to remove/discard
-y, --keep-grp   File containing a list of arrangements of tag groups to keep
-Y, --remove-grp File containing a list of arrangements of tag groups to remove/discard
-t, --threads    Number of threads to use
-s, --summary    File where summary statistics will be written to
-h, --help       Displays usage information
    --assign     Assign reads to a final barcode sequence identifier based on tags present
    --bclen      The length of the final barcode sequence identifier (default: 16)
    --inleaved   Specifies that input is an interleaved FASTQ file
    --keep-r1-r2 Use R1.fastq, R2.fastq, etc. file name formats when demultiplexing using --keep or --keep-grp
    --remultiplex  Turn on remultiplexing mode
    --unmask       Turn on unmasking mode (extract differences from a masked vs. unmasked FASTA)
    --version    Prints version number
    --cite       Prints citation information

Command-line config (optional)

This section is highly optional and is not the recommended way to run splitcode. It is possible to run splitcode without supplying a config file. To do this, we can specify the config options on the command-line. Let’s take a look at some of those options below:

splitcode help menu
Usage: splitcode [arguments] fastq-files

Sequence identification options (for configuring on the command-line):
-b, --tags       List of tag sequences (comma-separated)
-d, --distances  List of error distance (mismatch:indel:total) thresholds (comma-separated)
-l, --locations  List of locations (file:pos1:pos2) (comma-separated)
-i, --ids        List of tag names/identifiers (comma-separated)
-g, --groups     List of tag group names (comma-separated)
-f, --minFinds   List of minimum times a tag must be found in a read (comma-separated)
-F, --maxFinds   List of maximum times a tag can be found in a read (comma-separated)
-j, --minFindsG  List of minimum times tags in a group must be found in a read (comma-separated group_name:min_times)
-J, --maxFindsG  List of maximum times tags in a group can be found in a read (comma-separated group_name:max_times)
-e, --exclude    List of what to exclude from final barcode (comma-separated; 1 = exclude, 0 = include)
-L, --left       List of what tags to include when trimming from the left (comma-separated; 1 = include, 0 = exclude)
-R, --right      List of what tags to include when trimming from the right (comma-separated; 1 = include, 0 = exclude)
                 (Note: for --left/--right, can specify an included tag as 1:x where x = number of extra bp's to trim
                 from left/right side if that included tag is at the leftmost/rightmost position)
-a, --next       List of what tag names must come immediately after each tag (comma-separated)
-v, --previous   List of what tag names must come immediately before each tag (comma-separated)
                 (Note: for --next/--previous, specify tag names as {name} and specify tag group names as {{group}}
                 Can also specify the number of base pairs that must appear between the current tag and the next/previous tag.
                 E.g. {bc}4-12 means the next/previous tag is 4-12 bases away and has name 'bc')
-U, --subs       Specifies sequence to substitute tag with when found in read (. = original sequence) (comma-separated)
-z, --partial5   Specifies tag may be truncated at the 5′ end (comma-separated min_match:mismatch_freq)
-Z, --partial3   Specifies tag may be truncated at the 3′ end (comma-separated min_match:mismatch_freq)
Read modification and extraction options (for configuring on the command-line):
-x, --extract    Pattern(s) describing how to extract UMI and UMI-like sequences from reads
                 (E.g. {bc}2<umi_1[5]> means extract a 5-bp UMI sequence, called umi_1, 2 base pairs following the tag named 'bc')
    --no-chain   If an extraction pattern for a UMI/UMI-like sequence is matched multiple times, only extract based on the first match
-5, --trim-5     Number of base pairs to trim from the 5′-end of reads (comma-separated; one number per each FASTQ file in a run)
-3, --trim-3     Number of base pairs to trim from the 3′-end of reads (comma-separated; one number per each FASTQ file in a run)
-w, --filter-len Filter reads based on length (min_length:max_length)
-q, --qtrim      Quality trimming threshold
    --qtrim-5    Perform quality trimming from the 5′-end of reads of each FASTQ file
    --qtrim-3    Perform quality trimming from the 3′-end of reads of each FASTQ file
    --qtrim-pre  Perform quality trimming before sequence identification operations
    --qtrim-naive Perform quality trimming using a naive algorithm (i.e. trim until a base that meets the quality threshold is encountered)
    --phred64    Use phred+64 encoded quality scores
-P, --prefix     Bases that will prefix each final barcode sequence (useful for merging separate experiments)
-D, --min-delta  When matching tags error-tolerantly, specifies how much worse the next best match must be than the best match

From the Example, we can use the command-line rather than the config.txt file to specify our configurations we which then write as output:

splitcode --nFastqs=2 --assign --pipe --mapping=mapping.txt \
  -g "grp_A,grp_A,grp_A,grp_B,grp_B" \
  -i "Barcode_A1,Barcode_A2,Barcode_A3,Barcode_B1,Barcode_B2" \
  -d "1,1,1,0,0" -a "{{grp_B}},{{grp_B}},{{grp_B}},," \
  -J "grp_A:1,grp_B:1" -l "0:0:5,0:0:5,0:0:5,0:5:100,0:5:100" \
  -3 "0,4" -x "{{grp_B}}3<umi[8]>" \
  R1.fastq R2.fastq